NGBS Green Promise

Living in an NGBS Green Home

A better place to call home

With an NGBS Green Certified home, "going green" has never been easier, or more affordable.

This NGBS Green difference ensures that, no matter the certification level, the home is green in all aspects: energy efficiency, water efficiency, resource efficiency, lot development, operation & maintenance, and indoor environmental quality. A home or multifamily building can attain one of five performance levels — Certified, Bronze, Silver, Gold, or Emerald. Every NGBS Green home undergoes multiple inspections by an independent third-party verifier to ensure quality and compliance with green practices.

The NGBS provides a blueprint for builders to follow for the design and construction of new and renovated single-family homes and multifamily apartment buildings. When you see our mark, you can feel confident knowing that your home meets the ICC 700 National Green Building Standard® (NGBS). It's more than a mark, it's a commitment to bettering our planet and improving your life.

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What does it mean to live in an NGBS Green Certified home?

  • Increased Comfort
    Tired of feeling cold in the winter and hot in the summer while inside your own home? NGBS Green homes are built to keep outside air out and conditioned air in. The result? Home sweet home.

  • Lower Utility Bills
    NGBS Green homes are designed and built to be 20-30% more energy efficient and use less water than code-minimum new homes. This percentage is even higher compared to older existing homes. Use less, pay less. 

  • Less Maintenance
    Imagine a home that is more durable and requires less upkeep. NGBS Green Certified homes are designed and constructed to manage moisture, enhance the durability of materials, and reduce in-service maintenance.

  • Sustainable Landscape
    An NGBS Green home is designed to protect, restore and enhance the natural features of its lot and community. While all development has an environmental impact, an NGBS Green home is a better steward of the natural resources within and around the neighborhood.

  • Smarter Location
    Your home is more than a shelter from outside elements; it should also be a gateway to the community around you. NGBS Green communities allow you to take full advantage of the neighborhood amenities and services that elevate your quality of life.

  • Peace of Mind
    It is more than a feeling. With an NGBS Green home, it's assurance that your home will be a healthy haven, a smarter value for your wallet, a better steward of natural resources — and ultimately, the foundation of a more sustainable lifestyle.

  • Increased Resale Value
    When you are ready to sell your NGBS Green home, you can expect to sell faster and for 8-30% more than a non-certified home of comparable size and location.

  • Build Equity Faster
    Your utility bills don't build equity, so you might as well invest in a home that saves you money each month. With an NGBS Green home, you'll improve your ROI and reduce the second largest expense of home ownership: energy bills.


Browse all NGBS Green Certified products by category, brand, certification type, and more

NGBS Green Certified Products make the verification and certification process more straightforward and streamlined for builders, remodelers, and accredited green verifiers.

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